Coming up soon...

Okay, so I deleted the last blog - if you ever need to get to my house again, call me.
We have a lot coming up at EYC, but here are the two biggies:
The Hot Chocolate Sale is this Saturday!!! It's so fun - and our BIGGEST fundraiser by far. Be at the church at 7:00am (yes, AM) and we'll finish up by about 12:30. We encourage parents to come and help for as long as they're able, as the youth cannot do everything themselves.
If you do decide to drop your child off at the church, remember that roads close after 8am, and getting back to the church to pick him or her up will be difficult to navigate through the traffice for about an hour after the parade is over. It's great fun watching the parade go right by on Hillsborough Street - and working hard to earn money for our programs and retreats!! Please come out and support your EYC!!
Second, the EYC will meet at the church this Sunday, from 5-7pm. We'll be doing meal preparation for the Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen as our mission/outreach project for the evening. Please bring a donation of either: ground hamburger meat, spaghetti sauce, or heads of lettuce. Bring an apron and see you there!
(EYC Council, remember that we're meeting this Sunday at 4pm. Shepherd's Singers can show up late.)
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