Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This week's devotional comes from the Glenstal Book of Prayer, a Benedictine prayer book. We're entering the season of Advent, an important time of preparation for the celebration of Christmas. Use the following reading to mediatate upon the coming of Christ, and ask yourself, am I really ready for Christmas this year??

"The church's liturgical year begins with the season of Advent, which means arrival or coming. We recall the first coming of Christ (in the incarnation at Christmas) and anticipate his final coming (at the end of time). We celebrate with joy his daily coming in the time of the church, in word and sacrament. It is a season of hope and anticipation: purple vestments symbolize the yearning of the church and of all creation for the transforming light of Christ."

Ever faithful God,
your prophets foretold the coming of the light.
In your name they promised
that the eyes of the blind would be opened.
We confidently await the coming of your Son,
and the day when he will gather all people
to live in your light, for ever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Coming up soon...

Okay, so I deleted the last blog - if you ever need to get to my house again, call me.

We have a lot coming up at EYC, but here are the two biggies:

The Hot Chocolate Sale is this Saturday!!! It's so fun - and our BIGGEST fundraiser by far. Be at the church at 7:00am (yes, AM) and we'll finish up by about 12:30. We encourage parents to come and help for as long as they're able, as the youth cannot do everything themselves.

If you do decide to drop your child off at the church, remember that roads close after 8am, and getting back to the church to pick him or her up will be difficult to navigate through the traffice for about an hour after the parade is over. It's great fun watching the parade go right by on Hillsborough Street - and working hard to earn money for our programs and retreats!! Please come out and support your EYC!!

Second, the EYC will meet at the church this Sunday, from 5-7pm. We'll be doing meal preparation for the Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen as our mission/outreach project for the evening. Please bring a donation of either: ground hamburger meat, spaghetti sauce, or heads of lettuce. Bring an apron and see you there!

(EYC Council, remember that we're meeting this Sunday at 4pm. Shepherd's Singers can show up late.)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

All Saint's Sunday

Every year, we dress up in silly costumes and run around, hyped up on sugar and having a good time. Halloween is just such a fun day. But the day after (and the following Sunday) is the celebration of All Saint's Day, and it's just as significant. On that day, we remember who has died in the past year and left a legacy of a life lived in the love of God. We pray for the saints who have gone on to God's kingdom before us. It's a feast day that's not meant to be sad - we are celebrating the entrance of people we love into the communion of saints.
It's a celebration of resurrection.
It's a celebration of community.
You can also think about all the many people who have been in your life to help you grow, or who have taught you something about Jesus, and brought you to be the person who you are. Faith is communal - we can't escape other people in our faith in God. What we believe about God is shaped by the people around us, by our church community. We're all in this together. As God's faithful people, we share in a life together, and on All Saint's Sunday, we remember the communion of saints - the people whose testament of faith reminds us of who we are, all over again.

For further thought: Who are the saints in your life? Who makes up the communion of saints to you? Make a list of these people. Include both people you've never met, and people you know really well. Make a commitment to pray for these people. Tuck the list inside your Bible.